Publication Design

KSH Creative Header

I am a visual artist with more than twenty years of experience in book and publication design. You can email me at to discuss your print project needs.

Annual Report Design

Showcase your company with superior typography, beautiful photos, and well-organized content. My design will tell your story to a wide range of readers using minimal text, call-out quotes, dynamic icons, large photos, and an open layout. My trusted vendors offer a wide range of options for unique trim sizes, automated mailing solutions, and eco-friendly printing. Whether they are a current or potential supporter, your readers will be inspired.

Book Design & Publication

One of my favorite jobs is helping authors achieve their dream of publication. I have two decades of book design experience in both traditional publishing and self-publishing. From ISBNs and library cataloging to working with POD vendors, I will guide you through the entire process. I’ll design your book cover and set the perfect type for your interior pages. My focus is on historical novels, both fiction and non fiction. I also offer marketing services for your book launch and beyond.

School Magazines

A school magazine should appeal to current students and parents as well as engage with alumni and financial supporters. My magazine designs seamlessly combine existing brand identity with contemporary content and layout design. I’ll work with your contracted vendors or mine to produce the perfect promotional piece for your school.